Semantic Web Access & Personalization Research Lab

Main Research Interests

Intelligent Information Access

Emotions detection and extraction


Summer Schools


European Experiences

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Research Fellowship Programme: Planetek Hellas, Athens Greece -

Collaboration in the European Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - Research Fellowship Programme, project SEO-DWARF (Semantic EO Data Web Alert and Retrieval Framework): Programme/Call: H2020 — H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 Proposal: 691071.

Development of the Retrieval algorithm based on a structured semantic knowledge-base for dealing with earth observation images obtained from the COPERNICUS earth monitoring project


MAIVISTO: Massive Adaptive Internet VIdeo STreaming using the clOud: Bando MIUR Start up (D.D 436 del 13 Marzo 2013) – Linea 1 Big Data. Design and implementation of a multimedia recommender system with innovative strategies for overcoming the Cold-Start problem.

Digital Services Ecosystem DSE: PON03PE_00136_1, ICT/Tecnologie per Smart Communities. Design and implementation of a recommender system for services used as support tools during the software implementation.

HealthNet: Recommender system and back office for HealthNet (The Health Social network), “Apulian ICT Living Labs” P.O. FESR PUGLIA 2007-2013 - Asse I - Linea di Intervento 1.4 - Azione 1.4.2. - A.D. n. 307 del 31.07.2012.

PARSECO: Recommender systems and back office for Web Portal realized to increase the recycling of used domestic oils, “Apulian ICT Living Labs” P.O. FESR PUGLIA 2007-2013 - Asse I - Linea di Intervento 1.4 - Azione 1.4.2. - A.D. n. 307 del 31.07.2012.


Professional Activities:

Released Datasets

Please cite:

  author    = {Polignano, Marco and Pierpaolo, Basile and De Gemmis, Marco and Semeraro, Giovanni},
  title     = {An Emotion-driven Approach for Aspect-based Opinion Mining},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop},
  editor    = {Nicola Tonellotto and Luca Becchetti and Marko Tkalčić},
  volume    = {2140},
  year      = {2018},
  url       = {}

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