Semantic Web Access & Personalization Research Lab

Pierpaolo Basile is an Associate Professor at the University of Bari, Italy. His expertise is in Natural Language Processing, in particular, in Semantics. Since 2005, his research has been on methods for understanding natural language. He is also CEO of AI2B (a spin-off of the University of Bari) and co-founder of QuestionCube.



Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro

Ph.D. in Computer Science. Thesis title :“Word Sense Disambiguation and Intelligent Information Access”, Advisor: Professor Giovanni Semeraro.

Master degree in Computer Science

Master degree in Computer Science. Thesis title: “JIGSAW: un algoritmo di disambiguazione diversificato per ogni categoria grammaticale” (JIGSAW: a word sense disambiguation algorithm with different approaches for each part-of-speech), Supervisor: Professor Giovanni Semeraro.

Current courses

Main Research Interests

Natural Language Processing

Intelligent Information Access

Short CV


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